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Exam Results

Since 2016, students and schools have been measured on their progress from Year 7 to their exams in Year 11. This is called Progress 8. The first national data on Progress 8 was shared in October 2016. You can watch a video (link below) from the Department for Education which helps to explain progress 8.

You are able to view our school’s performance tables here.

Key Stage 4 (GCSE and Equivalent) results

Measure Summer 2024 Summer 2023
Attainment 8 43 42.9
Progress 8 -0.27 -0.22
% Students 5+ in English & Maths 66% 59%
% Students 4+ in English & Maths 40.3% 37%
EBacc Average points score (APS) 4.1 4.2
% of students that enter Ebacc 43.5% 45.8%
Pupils staying in education or employment 92% 90%