Year 11 Mock Interview Day
Year 11 students at Holderness Academy were under the spotlight on Friday 7 February as they practised their interview skills in front of a host of local employers. Over forty employers from several organisations spent the morning at Holderness Academy as part of our first ever Mock Interview Day, co-ordinated by Year 11 Progress Leader and Careers Coordinator, Mrs Bull. The idea of the experience is that students are given the opportunity to practice their interview technique and etiquette with representatives from the world of work.
This was a great opportunity for our students who each experienced an individual real-life interview. Students conducted themselves in a professional manner; greeting the employer, introducing themselves and shaking hands. Following the interviews, all students and employers were invited to the Hall to find out which student had been the most successful in their respective Mock Interview group.
Feedback from students, employers, volunteers and staff was incredibly positive. For many of our students this was the first time they had taken part in a formal interview – quite a daunting experience!
The latter part of the morning saw students provided with the opportunity to network with all employers and visitors. Students received feedback from their recently compiled CVs, gained tips and techniques for future interviews and gathered advice on how to stand out in a competitive job market. The morning finished with all staff and students taking part in a reflection and target setting session. The students were guided by their Tutors and Staff Mentors in applying the advice that was given to them by the employers, along with an analysis of their current progress and attainment data, to creating a ‘plan for success’ for the upcoming Year 11 exams and their future post-16 pathways.
The mock interviews were a resounding success and we are incredibly proud of all our Year 11 students. We are also immensely grateful to all our volunteer interviewers which included representatives from local businesses, members of our governing body and members of the Trust, for giving up their time to come in and help our students develop their employability skills and prepare for future interviews.
During the afternoon, we welcomed Richard McCann, an exceptional communicator who has delivered over 2,500 presentations around the world, inspiring audiences with his story of overcoming adversity and demonstrating the power of an iCan approach. Our Year 11 students were totally absorbed in this motivational presentation, which was an inspiring and fitting way to end a fantastic day.
The Year 11 Mock Interview event will now form part of our annual academic calendar as we continue to help prepare students for future interviews whether this be at our Sixth Form College, alternative further education, for an apprenticeship, or employment.