Careers Guidance Programme
Review Date September 2024
Careers Programme Information for Holderness Academy and Sixth Form College:
The Department for Education (Careers Guidance and Access for Education and Training Providers – statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies, School Leaders and School Staff) believe that schools and colleges should have a co-ordinated programme of careers support that includes the following elements.
Careers Advice and Guidance:
Advice helps students interpret information and apply it to their own situation; guidance is the in-depth support provided by qualified practitioners to help students explore their options and make informed choices that are best for them. Advice and guidance are closely linked to related activities such as tutoring, progress reviews, academic monitoring and mentoring. Through these activities the CEIAG staff can help students look at future options and identify when students need to be referred to advisers for more in-depth guidance. Mrs E Bull (Head of Sixth Form) and Mr C Derbyshire are all Level 6 Qualified Careers Advisors and professionally qualified in guidance theory and practice.
Careers Education:
Planned and progressive programmes of activities in the curriculum which help students to develop the knowledge and skills to understand themselves, research the opportunities available, make decisions and move successfully on to the next stage.
Effective engagement with Employers:
Opportunities to be inspired, informed and advised by employers through talks, workshops and work place visits. Employers can also enhance programmes of careers education through contributing to classroom-based lessons, running CV workshops, conducting mock interviews and supporting enterprise activities, plus offering work experience at both KS3 and KS5. In addition to this, we also have an enterprise partnership with Cranswick Foods LTD. By working closely with our Enterprise Partner we are able to provide a network of key speakers, employer visits and work experience opportunities for our students.
Individual support:
All students will have the opportunity for a 1 to 1 careers guidance interview to discuss their future plans and ideas. This will include opportunities to discuss career aims and opportunities available after GCSEs. Support is also available for students when applying for college, apprenticeships or employment including application forms and C.Vs. In addition to the formal careers interviews that students receive, we also run a lunchtime careers drop-in clinic. Parents and students are welcome to speak to Mr Derbyshire about careers information, by email at or by contacting the school on 01482 899315. We are always delighted to speak to employers about how they can support our careers programme. If you would like further information or are willing to support please contact the school on 01482 899315.
Our Careers provision is delivered through bespoke lessons and focus days from Year 7 to Year 13. Our ARRK curriculum covers aspects of:
∙ CV writing
∙ Labour Market Information
∙ Personal presentation and Employability Skills
∙ Interview Skills
∙ Application process and post-16 options
The programme is delivered through a mixture of formal lessons, visits and focus mornings. Some of the activities that our students have recently participated in are:
Year 8 Steps to Success event – Highlights the vast range of careers available to students and promotes them to begin to consider the skills, attributes and qualifications which might be required.
Year 9 ACE Day – hosted by Hull University this focuses on the life of a university student and the opportunities available. Aimed at raising aspiration and participation rates in Further and Higher Education.
Year 11 and 13 Apprenticeship Networking Event – hosted by Humber EBP this event was held at Bishop Burton College and aimed to not only educate students in the different routes that apprenticeships can provide, but also enabled students to engage directly with a number of employers and training providers that had apprenticeship vacancies.
In addition to the above, all students in Year 10 and Year 12 have the opportunity to develop their careers education and employability skills through a one week period of work experience. We work closely with a range of employers to provide our students with a bespoke taste of the world of work.
We understand the value of high quality careers education to prepare our learners for jobs which may not yet exist. To measure the impact of our careers programme we conduct the following activities:
∙ hold leaders to account through self-evaluation meetings
∙ receive external validation from employers and awarding bodies
∙ student voice activities
We also look at the following data sets
∙ enrolment to Further Education
∙ those ‘Not in Education, Employment of Training’ (NEETs)
∙ destination data
This information including the Provider Access Protocol will be reviewed annually and a summary of impact will be provided.