SEND & Learning Support Team
Holderness Academy & Sixth Form College is a comprehensive secondary school in the East Riding of Yorkshire with an Enhanced Resource Provision (ERP) for Autism. Holderness Academy is an inclusive school where teaching and learning, achievements, attitude and well-being of every individual are valued. The Academy provides every individual with access to an inclusive curriculum, which will meet the needs of students with special educational needs and disabilities. Provision for students with SEND is regarded as a whole school responsibility.
The Academy provides support for students with a wide range of additional needs covering the four broad areas of need:
Communication and interaction
Cognition and learning
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Sensory and physical needs
Holderness Academy is able to offer full access for students with physical disabilities and wheelchair users.
The SENDCO is Mrs Ashbridge and can be contacted via an appointment on the SENDCO Surgery or via email:
The Trust wide SEND policy can be found here
SEND Information report can be found here
The East Riding Local Offer information can be found here
Please contact our Learning Support Team regarding any enquiries by emailing