Student Voice
Holderness Academy believes in empowering young people to help shape their learning environment. We passionately believe that young people have the capacity to be effective young leaders. This starts with schools building learning communities where young people’s views are embraced and acted upon. Our students take a keen, active interest in the development of the Academy and our Student Council are proactive in shaping the education experience and contributing to the wider Academy community.
Our Student Council is made up of four representatives in each year these are elected from each Year Council; the process of nominating, electing and voting is followed in order to raise the profile of Young Leaders and empower the Academy Representatives to take responsibility for the environment that they are educated within. In addition, there are independent representatives that have achieved places through application and interview.
The Student Council meet at least once each half term. Agendas are compiled by the students and minutes of the meetings are taken. At every meeting a member of the Governing Body attends and a member of the Academy staff is invited to talk about the work they are doing. Every meeting has a ‘You said, we did.’ feedback session as well as a Teaching and Learning focus. The Student Council have the opportunity to take part in the ongoing improvements in the Academy environment, the learning of all students, the well-being of students, the management of behaviour (including praising and celebrating success) and the decisions which affect the way we change and develop.
In the past academic year, the students have been instrumental in plans to improve the learning environment including the decorating of classrooms, corridors and the installation of new toilets. They have worked with the staff to develop the Positive Discipline policy and have also made significant contributions to the development plans for improving Teaching and Learning. As a result of the work the Student Council did to represent the wishes of the wider student community, the school uniform now includes a black jumper that can be worn under the blazer. The Council also worked with the catering team to develop new menus and create an outside eating area. Students are particularly proud of their School Improvement Project which saw the revamping of the Academy’s Hall including new curtains and branding.
This year the Student Council are working on a number of community projects including tree planting, working with a local residential home and developing a project with the ERYCC.
The Student Council are focused on driving change across the Academy, helping in the recruitment of new staff and ensuring that every student’s point of view is taken into consideration. Here at Holderness Academy we are proud of our student voice and ensure it is always heard.