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Work Experience

At Holderness Academy, we value the impact that first-hand experiences of workplaces can have of the career development of our students.  As well as regularly offering our students the chance to take part in a range of workplace visits and virtual experiences, we also give our Y10 and Y12 students the opportunity to take undertake a week formal of work experience. Our Year 10 students usually take part in work experience in May each year and our Year 12 students take part in June each year.

Year 10 Work Experience 

We were delighted to have 86% engagement from our Year 10 students! (May 2023)


Year 10 and 12 Work Experience process

The Year 10 Work Experience process begins in the autumn term when our students take part in a Work Experience Launch assembly.  During the assembly, students are given the details of how to find and apply for a work experience placement, as well as usual information on the types of placements that are available.  In addition to this, students also hear testimonies from student who have previously taken part in work experience and hear about the vast array of diverse work experience placements that are students have taken part in.  Throughout the Spring Term, students are well prepared for their placements and any potential interviews through a range of assemblies and talks delivered by key staff within the Academy, as well as employers and industry experts.

All our students receive a welfare and progress check, from members of the Holderness Academy staff, whilst they are on their placements.  Any concerns or issues that students may have will be addressed during these visits.  

A vital part of the work experience process is the competition of the Work Experience Log Book.  All students will receive a copy of this prior to starting their placements, and they will be expected to complete it whilst they are on placement.  The Work Experience Log Book also provides an opportunity for employers to write an evaluation on the placement and parents to make some comments as well. The log book makes a great source of evidence for students to keep and refer to in the future when writing college or university applications and personal statements.

All students will receive a reference from their employers at the end of their placements that can be used for future job applications, as well as college and university applications.

All of the work experience placements that our students take part in are assessed for suitability and health and safety by our partners Education2Work.  


Success Story

Freddie received a glowing report from his placement with Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust! We are delighted to reward Freddie with a certificate from the NHS and wanted to ask him a few questions about Work Experience this year.

1.What did you enjoy most about your Work Experience placement? 

Freddie ‘What I enjoyed most about Work Experience was learning new things and giving me a better understanding of what I want to do in the future’ 

2.Do you now feel more prepared for potential career pathway/options post 16? 

Freddie ‘Definitely because I have witnessed all the possibilities in this sector, which have given me a greater awareness’ 

3.Would you recommend Work Experience to other learners e.g. current Year 9 students? 

Freddie ‘Yes because it gives you more of an idea of what sort of options you have and how you would manage certain jobs’ 

Employer Reference Comments: 

‘Freddie remained professional and enthusiastic throughout his placement. Freddie asked appropriate questions and completed lots of research to extend his knowledge of the service. Freddie was punctual and arrived smartly dressed each day. We wish Freddie the best of luck.’ 

Z.Webb (NHS) 

Well done, Freddie!